We exist to provide knowledge, building capacity, and involving local communities in biodiversity research and conservation activities. Our vision is to see local communities coexist with biodiversity, utilize biodiversity resources sustainably, effectively address climate change effects, and enhance their livelihoods.


The Tanzania Research and Conservation Organization (TRCO) is a non-profit organization founded on December 30th, 2021, under the Non-Governmental Organization Act, 2002. Comprised of Tanzanian experts from diverse disciplines and collaborating with international partners, TRCO is dedicated to the conservation of biodiversity and ecological landscapes in Tanzania. Our organization responds to the growing threats to Tanzania’s biodiversity caused by climate change, human-wildlife conflicts, illegal exploitation of natural resources, and unsustainable land use practices. With a focus on research, capacity building, public awareness, and community engagement, we aim to protect the natural systems that support all life in Tanzania.


TRCO is committed to conserving Tanzania’s rich biodiversity through scientific research, empowering local communities, and fostering partnerships. We raise awareness about biodiversity, ecology, and conservation, equipping communities with knowledge and tools to manage natural resources sustainably. Our work includes research on biodiversity trade and monitoring, promoting climate change advocacy, and linking local efforts with national and international organizations. Through education and engagement, we work towards a future where communities coexist with and sustainably utilize biodiversity, ensuring environmental resilience and improved livelihoods.

Our Partners

Our projects and initiatives bring different stakeholders—including civil society, researchers, government policy-makers, and local communities—together around common aims. We are proud to collaborate with extraordinary funding partners—past and current, sampled below.

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