Raising awareness in the local communities about Pangolin conservation

The direct involvement of local people who live with pangolins is important for pangolin conservation planning. Their involvement is beneficial because they have knowledge about pangolins based on their expertise and experiences. Tanzania Research and Conservation Organization (TRCO) conducted surveys involving local communities living adjacent to the Burigi-Chato National Park and Ibanda-Kyerwa Rumanyika-Karagwe National Park in western Tanzania to learn more about their knowledge, attitudes, and uses of pangolin derivatives.

One of the main goals of the TRCO is to increase community understanding of research, ecology, and the conservation of biodiversity. TRCO anecdotal results found that many local communities are unaware of the pangolins’ feeding patterns and are eager to learn more about them. Local communities would like to participate in research and conservation of pangolins.

TRCO wants to support local communities to provide training and awareness about pangolins. We are grateful for the help of the WWF-US EFN Russel E. Train Grant in enabling TRCO to conduct a pangolin survey and train some of the local people who are our pangolin representatives at the village level in western Tanzania.

Support our work and save Tanzania pangolins by reaching us at info@www.website2024.trco.or.tz