Hydro-Ecological Modeling

Modelling is very important when deemed to understand interaction of different ecological processes. Hydro-Ecological models are designed to simulate the complex relationships between hydrological variables, such as water availability, flow dynamics, and water quality, and ecological components, including vegetation, biodiversity, species distribution and habitat suitability. Also provide insight to the ecological responses to changes in hydrological condition and vice versa as well as impact of management interventions such as ater abstraction, land use change on habitat quality, biodiversity and ecosystem services.  Hydrological and Ecological models are powerful tools for understanding, managing, and planning for sustainable use of Natural resources. Recognizing this, TRCO has developed number of distributed models which can be used to assess the influence of land management practices on the hydrology and ecology at the varying landscape. Moreover, these models can be used in decision making on the site-specific best management practice to be implemented to ensure sustainable utilization of biodiversity and Ecosystem services.