Biodiversity Assessment in the SAGCOT Covering Kilombero cluster

Assessing areas of high biodiversity plays a vital role in determining key areas for conservation and establishing conservation priorities. It plays a crucial role in understanding the importance and value of biodiversity and informing conservation and management efforts. Biodiversity assessment is crucial for guiding conservation actions, understanding ecosystem functioning, monitoring environmental changes, identifying economic opportunities, adapting to climate change, and promoting public awareness. By assessing and valuing biodiversity, we can work towards a more sustainable and resilient future for both ecosystems and human well-being. Researchers from TCRO in collaboration with other Researcher from Sokoine University of Agriculture and Mwl. Nyerere University conducted biodiversity assessment in the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT) covering Kilombero cluster.

The biodiversity assessment survey conducted to extensively understand the biological diversity of the cluster; Flora (trees, grasses, shrubs, climber, herbs) and Fauna (mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and insects) and their ecological disturbance. The survey conducted covering several ecosystems including Magombera Forest Reserve, Luhombero-Luegu Forest Reserve, Itongoa Kipuga Forest Reserve, Kilombero Valley Ramsar site, Kilombero Nature Reserve, Mselezi Forest Reserve, Nambiga Forest Reserve and Agroecosystems. The survey was conducted under the implementation of the Development Corridor Partnership Project (