Environmental Flows Assessment and Implementation

The Environmental Flows Assessment (EFA) concept has been adopted in Tanzania with guidelines and procedures prepared at the national level, but are yet to be operationalized. Lack of awareness among practitioners and stakeholders at the basin and local levels has been reported to be one of the major setbacks for operationalization. This calls for capacity building and awareness creation of stakeholders from different water related sectors to fully embrace and operationalize EFA. In this regards, Researcher from Tanzania Research and Conservation Organization actively participated in Capacity Building Training on Environmental Flows Assessment in Western Indian Ocean (WIO) countries to enhance capacity of different stakeholders from WIO countries to effectively implement EFA. The raining organized by Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) and Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA).

Apart from participating in capacity building training, researchers from TRCO are also engaged in Environmental Flows Assessment of Mbarali river to evaluate water and environmental situations in the Mbarali river in order to assist the Government in planning the implementation of the best way to conserve the river and the environment for the economic benefits of the nation. The EFA of Mbarali river was implemented by multidisciplinary team including hydrologist, social scientist, hydraulics, riverine ecologist, hydrogeologist, botanist, aquatic biologist, environmentalist, GIS expert, and local community. The Environmental Flow Assessment of Mbarali river was organised by Sustainable Catchment Management through Enhanced Environmental Flow Assessment and Implementation for the Protection of the Western Indian Ocean from Land Based Sources and Activities in Tanzania (EFLOWS project) (https://www.nairobiconvention.org/clearinghouse/node/539)