Training on Data Collection, Data Management & Data Analysis for Wildlife ecologist

Michael Kimaro, the Managing Director of Tanzania Research and Conservation Organization (TRCO), who is also a PhD Candidate from the University of Groningen, Netherlands conducted data analysis training at Lake Manyara National Park as a training supervisor for wildlife ecologists from Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA), Tanzania Wildlife Management Authority (TAWA) Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority (NCAA), and District Game Officers (DGOs). It was a 5-day training that involved a total of 30 and 12 instructors from the University of Groningen and Leiden University from the Netherlands. This training was funded by multiple donors for the CoCoST program in the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem. The CoCoST stand for Corridors, Coexistence, Synergies, Transition, and Training. This CoCoST program is managed by Prof. Han Olff from the University of Groningen and aims to scale up the need of opening up and conserving wildlife corridors, management of wildlife and livestock interactions, management of human-wildlife conflict, land use planning and management, and transfer skills to local wildlife managers in the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem. For more information about the CoCoST program, you can visit: